
Bombardier Global 6500: Luxury Meets Performance in Business Aviation


5-Star Aviation Services: Transforming the Skies with Unparalleled Expertise


5-Star AOG Support: Fort Aero’s Expedited Solution for Continuous Aircraft Performance

What is AOG Support?

Definition and Importance

AOG, or Aircraft on Ground, signifies a critical situation in aviation where an aircraft is grounded and unable to fly due to mechanical or technical issues. The term itself conveys urgency, as every moment an aircraft remains grounded, it incurs significant costs and disrupts scheduling.

AOG support is the specialized assistance provided to address the grounding issue as swiftly and efficiently as possible. It’s not just about fixing a mechanical problem; AOG support encompasses a holistic approach that includes identifying the issue, sourcing the necessary parts, coordinating with various teams, complying with regulations, and ensuring that the aircraft returns to service in the shortest time possible.

Components of AOG Support

  1. Diagnosis: Quick and accurate identification of the problem is the first step in AOG support. This requires skilled technicians who can pinpoint the issue and determine the best course of action.
  2. Parts Sourcing: Often, AOG situations require specific parts that may not be readily available. AOG support includes locating and procuring these parts, even if they are in different parts of the world.
  3. Coordination: AOG support involves collaboration between different entities, including maintenance crews, parts suppliers, regulatory bodies, and the airline’s operational team. Effective communication and coordination are vital to a successful resolution.
  4. Repair and Maintenance: Specialized repair teams may be deployed to perform necessary maintenance tasks. These teams must have the expertise to carry out complex repairs in line with industry standards.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: All actions taken must be in compliance with aviation regulations and standards. This includes proper documentation and adherence to safety protocols.
  6. Customer Communication: Keeping the customer informed and managing expectations is also part of AOG support. Transparent communication helps build trust and confidence during a stressful situation.

AOG Support

How Fort Aero Can Help You with AOG Support

Fort Aero’s comprehensive AOG support services are designed to tackle the multifaceted challenges of aircraft grounding. Here’s a deeper look at how we can assist:

Rapid Response and 24/7 Availability

Understanding the time-sensitive nature of AOG situations, Fort Aero has established a 24/7 response team ready to spring into action. Our global network and logistical capabilities ensure that help is always within reach, no matter where the AOG situation occurs.

Expertise Across Various Aircraft Types

Fort Aero’s technicians and engineers possess extensive knowledge and experience across various aircraft types and systems. This breadth of expertise enables them to diagnose and repair issues quickly and accurately, adhering to the highest industry standards.

Strategic Partnerships and Global Reach

With connections to suppliers, maintenance facilities, and aviation experts worldwide, Fort Aero can source necessary parts and provide support anywhere an AOG situation occurs. Our strategic partnerships facilitate seamless coordination, ensuring timely solutions.

Tailored Solutions and Collaboration

Fort Aero’s approach to AOG support is collaborative and client-focused. We work closely with airlines and operators to understand specific needs, constraints, and operational goals. This enables them to design and implement solutions that are not only effective but also aligned with the client’s unique circumstances.

Comprehensive Compliance and Quality Assurance

Adhering to regulatory standards is paramount in aviation, and Fort Aero’s commitment to compliance is unwavering. We follow strict quality assurance protocols and maintain comprehensive documentation to ensure that all actions taken meet the relevant regulations and safety requirements.

Ongoing Support and Relationship Building

AOG support is not just about resolving a single issue; it’s about building a lasting relationship. Fort Aero offers ongoing support, monitoring, and preventive measures to help clients avoid future AOG situations. Our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction extends beyond immediate problem-solving to long-term success and reliability.

AOG Support


AOG support is a complex and critical aspect of aviation maintenance, requiring a blend of technical expertise, logistical prowess, regulatory compliance, and customer-centric approach. Fort Aero’s AOG support services stand out for a comprehensive and tailored solutions, reflecting a deep understanding of the unique challenges and needs of the aviation industry. By offering rapid response, global reach, specialized expertise, customized solutions, stringent compliance, and ongoing support, Fort Aero positions itself as a reliable partner for airlines and aircraft operators facing the urgent and demanding scenarios of Aircraft on Ground.

Written by David Shlick, Chief Operations Officer at FortAero


Bombardier Global 6500: Luxury Meets Performance in Business Aviation


5-Star Aviation Services: Transforming the Skies with Unparalleled Expertise